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Single take: from user research to product implementation

An explorative behavioural research with GenZ to inspire new features and services for Samsung smartphones' camera

Samsung Design Innovation Center
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What are the emerging behaviours and needs related to the use of the camera? What new features can be developed to better support the use of the camera to create, share and revisit stories?

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We conducted interviews and observations with youth representatives in three different US cities (San Francisco, Austin and Detroit) to map the current journey of camera-based storytelling, analyse existing gaps and desires.

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The final set of opportunities inspired several cycles of idea generation, leading towards the development of new features such as the Single Take, allowing to take advantage of all the available lenses and camera modes, without setting them upfront.

Storytelling has always been part of human history, and it still is nowadays. Currently, the phone is a big support in building and sharing stories, through photos, videos and the use of chats and social networks.

This inspired us to look at the entire journey of story creation (specifically focusing on young generations and their use of the phone to share meaningful moments, build their identity and stimulate self-reflections), with the ultimate goal of finding insights and opportunities to expand storytelling possibilities, developing new features and mobile-based services.

In-depth interview with one of participants
In-depth interview with one of participants

In order to better understand the current experience of young generations in building and sharing stories we decided to spend some time with them, intercepting through Instagram interesting profiles showing different approaches. We traveled to San Francisco, Austin and Detroit to meet them in person, listen to their stories and experiences, and see what they do when they take photos or record videos, and how they handle the content before and after sharing it with others. In parallel, we also kept observing their behaviors through online ethnography, by scraping and mapping a huge amount of content from Instagram and other platforms, to see commonalities and differences, that could reflect specific needs and approaches. These parallel research activities, qualitative in person and both qualitative and quantitative online, helped us consolidating insights on four different types of behaviors and sizing them based on the recurrence of similar attitudes in the online sphere.

Discussing new features and mobile-based services with participants
Discussing new features and mobile-based services with participants

Lots of opportunities emerged, from how to better support content creation to post-production and sharing. For example, we discovered that for some categories of users it's very hard to understand and take advantage of all the potential of the camera, as they don't know much about photography and won't take the time to watch tutorials or read instructions. At the same time, they love to take photos and experiment and do their best to come up with something original and nicely-done. This raised the opportunity to support them in producing higher-quality content without any effort. With features like the "Single Take", all the capability of Galaxy 20 camera is fully provided to the user without any effort: after taking one shot, the camera records and proposes alternatives using all the possible settings available, that the user doesn't need to study or select upfront.

A visual network we created to show how Millennials and GenZ depict the same content on social networks
A visual network we created to show how Millennials and GenZ depict the same content on social networks
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